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Pavece Dev
3 min read

OpenHerald a self-hosted news publishing system.

In this article, I will introduce you to OpenHerald and outline its basic features. You'll learn what OpenHerald is and how it works.

What's Open Herald

OpenHerald is a self-hosted news and article publishing system that comes with a custom-built CMS. This project was created primarily as a learning experience and is not intended to be a highly complex or feature-rich solution for news publishing.

If you're considering using OpenHerald for your own needs, please keep in mind that while it serves its purpose, there are more advanced and robust options available.


OpenHerald offers straightforward user features, allowing you to read articles, browse by categories, search for specific content, and save articles for later.

The more exciting aspects lie in the admin features. For a detailed overview of these capabilities, be sure to check out the related article and watch the demo video

The author

OpenHerald is open source. It was created by Pavece. And you can check the source code and more instructions here: